Khabardar is an Urdu/Punjabi show that premiered on 10th September 2015 and was broadcasted on Express News. Created and hosted by ‘ Aftab Iqbal Aftab Iqbal is a Pakistani TV host, writer, and bu >> Read More... ,’ it is a show that revolves around the world of comedy. The series constitutes of Aftab and his team of comedians who work on their charm to entertain the audience and make them laugh. People like ‘ Honey Albela Honey Albela is the first son among nine children >> Read More... ,’ ‘ Babbu Rana Babbu Rana was born Muhammad Bar Siddiq, aka Babar >> Read More... ,’ ‘ Mubeen Gabol Pakistani actor and comedian Mubeen Gabol was born >> Read More... ,’ ‘ Azhar Rangeela Azhar Rangeela is a famous Pakistani actor cum com >> Read More... ’ and ‘ Asad Kaifi Bio coming soon... >> Read More... ’ dress up and play their roles as different characters.
Each episode consists of three parts where the first part always has a comic skit which leaves the audience breathless with laughter. The following two parts consists of the comedians talking about various hot topics and current events commenting a punch line every once in a while, making puns and cracking jokes to keep the audience informed as well as entertained about the events.