Eeman is an Urdu Television Serial Aired on Express Entertainment. It was produced by Abdullah Kadwani Abdullah Kadwani is a Pakistani actor, producer, a >> Read More... & Humayun Saeed Humayun Saeed has been known famously across Pakis >> Read More... and directed by Adnan Wai Qureshi Adnan Wai Qureshi is a prominent Urdu director and >> Read More... . The story was written by Zafar Mairaj. The show focuses on the concept of love and faith. Eeman was premiered from 16th May 2012 and aired every Wednesday. Eeman narrates the story of a girl named ‘Eeman’. Eeman travelled from the United States to deliver a message that family, kinship, and friendship are society's greatest assets rather than economic growth. She believes, even if society is economically stable, it will fall apart if it lacks strong family values, morals, and caring standards.
She favours the Pakistani lifestyle rather than the American lifestyle. She befriends Aazi Ullah, who dreams to go to the USA. He believes she would help him board a flight to the United States. Catherine, a girl from the USA arrives at Aazi’s home. The story revolves around the role of destiny in everyone’s life and how every small decision has a significant impact. The show starred Anna Liko, Ahsan Khan Ahsan Khan is a Pakistani actor born on 9th Octobe >> Read More... , Munawer Saeed, Samina Ahmed, Mustafa Qureshi Mustafa Qureshi is a veteran actor who works in th >> Read More... , Sabreen Hisbani Sabreen Hisbani is a Pakistani actress known for h >> Read More... , Farhan Ali Agha Farhan Ali Agha is a Pakistani model and actor. He >> Read More... , Natsha Ali, Jibran Hasan Niazi, Mehak Ali Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Rashid Farooqi, Amina Karim, and Zabeen Tahira.