Teen Kahani is a Pakistani comedy-drama series in Urdu. It aired on Hum TV in 2014 every Sunday at 7 p.m. It starred Adnan Shah Whether it is in Pakistan or India, the transitio >> Read More... , Ayaz Samoo Ayaz was born in Karachi, Pakistan on February 11 >> Read More... , Wafa Ansari, Danish Maqsood Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , and Sehrish Mohsin in pivotal roles. Asim A. Shaikh is the director of this series. Its story starts with Agha Sahab. He is overwhelmed by his wife’s death and leaves for Dubai. However, he makes his butler, Bosco, the caretaker of his expensive property. Now Bosco considers himself the owner and rents two rooms on the property. Two boys (Ayaz and Ammar) and two girls (Parisa and Manahil) start living as paying guests in separate rooms. Since the Agha Sahab is oblivious to this development, the paying guests are not required to pay the rent. On the contrary, they have to do Bosco’s bidding. Here on, the story takes a hilarious turn, making it an epic combination of a complete entertainment package.