Sadori is an Urdu TV show which aired on PTV Home. It is an old series which aired during the 2004-2006 period. The show had a huge viewership as it had a compelling story that appealed to them. Rabia Noreen Rabia Noreen is a beautiful Pakistani actress born >> Read More... , one of the famous Pakistani actresses, played the role of Mai. Beenish Chohan Unlike India where cinema brings greater fame and >> Read More... played the role of Nargis. The story starts with some people discussing an undiscovered place. They are doing something illegal with that place and the outside world doesn't know about it. They are trying to hide so that they won't get caught. Then the story shifts to a group of women, kept secluded in a mansion or haveli. They are forced to be servants against their will. Their primary task is to serve the guests who frequently visit the mansion. They mainly visit for some kind of illegal purposes. In the first episode, the women who accidentally reached there started to tell their emotional background which had led them to this bad situation.
One of the women, named Nimbu, remembers how she ended up there as she was falsely accused by her brother of something she didn't know about. Her brother was meant to be her guardian. His accusation led her to the haveli. Other women like Nagin Chanchal and Chandni share similar tales of betrayal, poverty, and despair that led them to this life of slavery. Nagin used to be a dancer in her village but has now forgotten that life. Chandni grieves that her life has turned darker then. The wise and elderly Naaz is the longest-serving slave at the haveli. New slaves also reach there as an outcome of some miserable events. She explains that like the rest of them, the newcomers will also become trapped there due to their fate. The haveli operates in an organized manner to cater to the demands of its guests. The women are scolded and punished for any duties like not cooking rotis properly or not serving the guests' needs. Amid all these, there are glimpses into the individual tragedies of women. One dies in agony as the others helplessly look on.
Another scene shows an elderly father mourning the loss of his daughter or wife who passed away while he was out, his fatherly concern for her safety has given him a vision of the dangerous world outside. Some of them are trying to find the secrets about them but are not getting any evidence against them. The establishments' influence seems strong as they can avoid raids by showcasing innocent civilians as their way to escape. Throughout, there is tension among those managing the haveli. New arrivals are swiftly incorporated into the workforce, their identities and pasts erased. Harsh punishments are given for disobedience by these trapped women who have no route to escape from their living nightmares. The show thus gives us an image of exploitation, criminal masterminds, and a societal underworld where the weak are mercilessly crushed. All over the episode, there is tension going over something that went missing. The rest of the show is available to watch on YouTube.