What is the meaning of love and romance? They say love is blind. Rasm E Dil is a TV drama from Pakistan. Rasm E Dil was aired on ARY Digital channel in Pakistan. The story focuses on the love life of the main lead of the show. How their life changed when they met the love of their life what life threw at them and how they dealt with it including family acceptance of the couple. The show focuses on their romantic moment and the reaction of society side by side.
Rehan Sheikh
Rehan Sheikh is a Pakistani actor, director, an ex >> Read More...
wrote the story of Rasm E Dil.
The drama is about love and romance. Rehan Sheikh wrote it. It was aired on December 31 2023. Each episode is about 40 minutes long. The language is Urdu. Rasm E Dil is made by Big Bang Entertainment in Pakistan. The actors are Hania Aamir,
Wahaj Ali
Wahaj Ali, born on 1 December 1988 in Lahore, Punj >> Read More...
Zaviyar Noman
Zaviyar Noman, son of Nauman Ijaz & Rabia Nauman, >> Read More...
. Hania Aamir, Wahaj Ali and Zaviyar Noman. If you are looking for a romantic love story, then this show is for you. Audiences of all ages can watch this show. You can watch this show on the YouTube channel named ARY Digital.