In 2016, PTV Home aired the Pakistani family entertainment drama Raigaan. Iqbal Hasan Khan wrote the script, and Asad Jabal Asad Jabal is a producer, director, and writer fro >> Read More... directed the production. The struggles of a suburban middle-class family are at the center of the narrative. The show's lead actors, Shamil Khan, Asad Malik, and Ashraf Khan, are among the members of the main cast. The drama emphasizes the value of family values and illustrates the challenges that the average family faces in trying to make ends meet. Raigaan, played by Shamil Khan, is the family's patriarch and the protagonist of the story. He is a devoted worker. Raigaan faces many difficulties in his daily life, but he makes every effort to support his family and meet their needs. The dynamics of family relationships and how they interact are also topics covered in the program. The show has depth because each character is distinct and has a distinct personality. The drama has gotten good reviews from viewers and tells a touching tale of love, selflessness, and resiliency. Fans also enjoy the drama's OST, which features the title song. In conclusion, Raigaan is a must-see for anyone who values top-notch family entertainment.