Parvarish is a Pakistani family drama serial that premiered on 23rd September 2014 and continued until 17th March 2015 and was broadcasted on ARY Digital network. Written by ‘Momina Khursheed Ali’ and directed by ‘ Mohsin Mirza Mohsin Mirza is a Pakistani director. He was born >> Read More... ,’ the serial tells the story of three children and how their upbringing affects them later in their life. A woman, a mother, is usually considered as the foundation of a good family and a strong household. Often, the upbringing and the environment where they are brought up affects the physical and mental health of children and the mother usually plays a huge role in bringing them up, guiding their life.
The serial tells the story of how the erroneous behaviour of a mother towards her children affects them and how it causes major problems later in their lives when they are young adults. Each and every one of the three children often face situations in their lives which leads them to think about their upbringing and questions their behaviour and morality at every twist and turn which often leads them to face several obstacles in their path to success. This serial, starring ‘Azhar Rehman,’ ‘ Sidra Batool Sidra batool is a Pakistani actress who worked in >> Read More... ,’ ‘ Saba Faisal Among many well-known and skilled senior actresses >> Read More... ,’ ‘ Naveed Raza Naveed Raza is a Famous Pakistani Model and actor >> Read More... ’ and several others, teaches the audience about the importance of correct upbringing of one’s own child so that the basic foundation upon which their character develops becomes strong to face whatever they might in their future.