Kurulus Osman is a TV series that aired in Pakistan on Geo TV. It is basically the dubbed version of a Turkish historical historical fiction series. The show dramatises the establishment of the Ottoman Empire. The show takes viewers to medieval Anatolia where the Kayi tribe faced threats from Byzantine forces and Mongol invasions before Osman established the Ottoman Empire and uplifted the Turkish people. The show started premiering in 2019. It shows the struggles faced by Osman Ghazi. He faced internal conflicts within his Kayi tribe as well as external battles against Byzantine and Mongol forces. He fought to gain independence and made the Turkish state sovereign.
The story depicts how Osman confronts his enemies and traitors who aim to destroy his mission. He overcomes all his obstacles through the loyalty of his companions, family and allies. A major plotline involves a power struggle between Osman, the brave youngest son of Ertugrul Ghazi, and his uncle Dundar, an ambitious statesman vying for leadership after Ertugrul's illness creates a vacuum. A romantic thread follows Osman's love for Bala Hatun, daughter of Sheikh Edebali. Some situations create obstacles for their relationship, but Osman fought to secure his tribe's future and also tried to reunite with his beloved Bala. The series has 5 seasons and is directed by Ahmet Yilmaz. The show stars talented actors like Burak, Ozcivit, Yıldız Çağrı Atiksoy, Özge Törer, Emre Bey, andYiğit Uçan.