An engrossing Pakistani drama series called Khwab Sab Dhool Hue airs from Monday through Wednesday at 7:20 p.m. Seemi Raheel Seemi Raheel is a senior Pakistani actress who has >> Read More... , Faisal Rehman Faisal Rehman or better known by his stage name Fa >> Read More... , Mehreen Raheel Mehreen Raheel is a Pakistan model cum actor. She >> Read More... , and Sana Askari Sana Askari is an actress and model from Pakistan. >> Read More... , who play the main roles, are among the show's talented cast members. Abid Ali produced and directed the serial, and Muhammad Khizar edited it. Two sisters, Saima and Sobia, who are respectively portrayed by Mehreen Raheel and Sana Askari, are at the center of the narrative. Saima is a sweet and straightforward young woman, while Sobia is more driven and cunning. The two sisters frequently find themselves at odds with one another because they each have a unique outlook on life. The part of Tariq, a successful businessman who falls in love with Saima, is played by Faisal Rehman. Tariq's mother, who is portrayed by Seemi Raheel, disapproves of their relationship and works to put barriers in their way. The show delves into the complicated relationships between the characters and explores a number of themes, including love, jealousy, and betrayal.
Character development and the emotional turmoil that the characters experience are heavily emphasized in the well-written serial. The show has excellent direction and production values, with well-choreographed scenes and a lovely soundtrack that enhances the narrative's overall impact. The cast gives outstanding performances that truly bring their characters to life and make the program enthralling to watch. In general, viewers who enjoy Pakistani dramas should not miss Khwab Sab Dhool Hue. The show has received positive reviews and is definitely worth watching due to its compelling plot, superb directing, and outstanding performances by the cast.