Karim Sahib ka ghar is an Urdu comedy TV serial. It was aired on PTV Home. It is written by Qasim Jalali(director), Anwar Maqsood Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , LC Purchase Collection (Library of Congress). It was aired on January 1,1990 in Urdu language. It is a Pakistani TV serial which is originally a comedy-drama. The main cast are Talat Husain, Anwar Maqsood, Shahida Moin, Amber Ayub, Jamshed Ansari Jamshed Ansari, son of the famous business tycoon >> Read More... , and Aalia Shah. Karim Sahib ka Ghar is a delightful and unique comedy that portrays the complexities of an average Pakistani family. The whole circle of relatives is full of secrets and techniques. They continuously look for each other's weaknesses, creating hilarious and relatable content.
The husband, a charismatic and generous man, has a deep passion for classical music. So he shows his appreciation for a skilled singer by giving away his expensive limousine car. But his wife, an overbearing spouse, is displeased with his actions. So, she tries to prevent him from being too kind. But she spends cash extravagantly, which aggravates her husband even more. Along with this captivating storyline, five extra brief performances provide insightful and humorous commentary on various social and cultural aspects of Pakistani lifestyles.