Kaanch Ki Guriya is a Pakistani serial premiered in 2015 on Geo TV. It focuses on the life of Manaal, a young and beautiful woman who goes through various ups and downs after her parents died in an accident. Manaal belongs to a low-income family and often struggles in life;Â however, her parent's love for each other and affection towards her kept her positive. The story escalates when Manaal loses her parents in an accident and is abandoned by her relatives. Later, becoming the silver lining in Manaal's life, her Aunt Shabnam takes her to her home. However, due to unforeseen consequences, Aunt Shabnam sent Manaal to her maternal grandfather's house in Karachi.Â
Manaal's life shifts from living in a poor household to experiencing the luxury lifestyle given to her by her mother's father. Finally, Manaal was living a happy and stable life; however, for Manaal, living in luxury came at the cost of getting humiliated by her family members and selflessly caring for them. During Manaal's stay at her grandfather's place, she befriended Daim, the adopted son of her grandfather. Daim showed Manaal affection, and a righteous way to live. Manaal and Daim got close to each other and fell in love. However, Manaal's happy life took a backseat when her grandfather died and she had to move back to her aunt's place. Manaal was compromised and married to Shujaat, who abused her. Elsewhere, Daim couldn't forget Manaal and decided to find her and continue their relationship.
Will Daim and Manaal be able to reunite and create a happily ever after life for themselves? Watch the serial to find out. Kaanch Ki Guriya is an Urdu-language drama serial. It's written by Faiza Iftikhar Faiza Iftikhar is a Pakistani novelist, screenwrit >> Read More... and directed by Nadeem Siddiqui. The lead cast of the serial includes Sami Khan Sami Khan born on July 6, 1980 is a Pakistani acto >> Read More... as Daim, Yumna Zaidi Yumna Zaidi is a talented Pakistani model and a te >> Read More... as Manaal, Zainab Qayyum Zainab Qayyum is also known as ZQ is a Pakistani a >> Read More... as Shabnam, and Qavi Khan Qavi Khan aka Mohammad Qavi Khan is a Pakistani mo >> Read More... as Grandfather. Watch Kaanch Ki Guriya on the Dailymotion website or Asia Central Broadcast YouTube Channel.Â