Bhabhi Saath Nibhana airs on GEO Kahani TV channel. This show launched in 2017 and has a total of one season. Directed by Nasir Wali and written by Tabseer Nishat, it is a family drama that revolves around family issues and the intensity of it. It stars Ali Ansari Ali Ansari is a well-known actor, model, rapper, m >> Read More... , Alizeh Tahir Alizeh Tahir is famous for her roles in Pakistani >> Read More... , Fareeha Jabeen Fareeha Jabeen, also known as Fariha Jabeen, was b >> Read More... , Parveen Akbar Parveen Akbar is a very senior Pakistani drama art >> Read More... , and Rida Isfahani Rida Isfahani, also known as Maryam Raza Isfahani, >> Read More... . It airs the whole week and has repeat timings too. It is in Urdu language. The central theme of this show is family and their relationship with each other.