It is a Pakistani Urdu language TV series aired on 26th March 2014 on ARY Digital. Bahu Rani is the story of a simple girl Lubna and her family because fate was never generous to her. She was engaged to her cousin Talal in childhood, but her stepmother never wanted that to happen. Despite severe opposition from her mother-in-law, Shabnam, and her father, Saadat makes union possible. Shabnam has never accepted Lubna as her daughter-in-law and wants to declare her sister-daughter Nuzhat as a hostess. The situation becomes more dreadful when Talal has to leave Lubna alone as he goes abroad. Now his own house has become a dungeon for Lubna as Nadir is there to ruin Lubna and her sister Uzma's life on Shabnam's instructions. The story continues with the sufferings and adversities that Lubna and her family face along the life journey.