Baby is a Pakistani Urdu television series aired on Express Entertainment from February 27 to August 18, 2017, Monday to Thursday at 8:00 PM PST. The story revolves around Alia, called a Baby, who falls in love with a man from a rural area of a lower social class than her. It features Anzela Abbassi, Behroze Sabzwari Behroze Sabzwari is a Karachi, Pakistan-born film >> Read More... , Bukhari, Asim Mehmoud, Raima Khan Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Arsalan Raja Arsalan Raja is an actor and a model from Pakistan >> Read More... , Adnan Shah Tipu, Anushey Ali and Sheeba Butt. Baby is the youngest among her siblings by the family members. She has a very bright personality, a naughty nature, and a girl next door. She meets a friend at Talib University who is from a village.
Baby is attracted to his simple heart, begins to groom him, and later even convinces his family to pay his fees for an international degree. The baby's family does not like this association very much, but because of his affection for his loving daughter, he fulfils the baby's wishes. The twist comes when Talib's mother wants Talib to marry his uncle's daughter, as the baby's family awaits a proposal from Talib for their daughter.