Nippulanti Nijam is a Telugu language TV show that aired on the channel Zee Telugu. The show reveals stories that people have never heard before, scary, weird, unbelievably true stories that bring chills to the viewers. The following are some of the freaky things that have been featured on the show; Monkey man who can climb mountains and fort walls without any equipment, a nut that can treat deadly diseases, deadly lake–People who are related are likely to drown if they travel together on the same boat in this lake, a young man who risks his life to do stunts, a magician who performs various spells and can alter the minds of people, a dead woman is reborn in the form of a stork, the temple that possesses dark secrets, a village where every festival is celebrated by carrying a chariot on one's shoulders, surprising facts about elephants,
a"supernatural being" who foretells a natural disaster, a mysterious village where gold worth 7000 crores is hidden, a Goddess who saved a village by telling everyone to wear white clothes, rocks that turn themselves into idols, Goddess Varahi who killed 14 people in a village, neem tree that gives 5 litres of milk per day, a castle with supernatural forces hidden inside it, superstar Rajinikanth visits Babaji Ashram that hosts a stone that has unique magical powers, a priest who claims to solve problems by lighting camphor, swamiji who releases demons by whipping the person, monkey that stopped the demolition of a temple, puja that cures all ailments on the midnight of a new moon, a spiritual physician who heals without using drugs,the man who loves bees more than honey,
a house that collapses as soon as it’s built, amla elixir that possesses mysterious powers, ordinary young woman that turned into a goddess, 200 ghosts meet at midnight, Ayyanar-the guardian deity of a village called Thillangadu, a miracle forest where even Kollimalai doctors come to collect herbs, a child wandering in the jungle turned into a god, a mysterious lake that has been flowing for hundreds of years, doctors in Virupakshapuram who can cure any paralysis in 45 days, a snake that drinks milk and dissolves sins, Ariyalur-the kingdom of dinosaurs,
Manjunatha Swamy Temple located in Dharmasthala is unique in that it is a temple where theft does not take place, a woman who survives without a pulse and a heartbeat, temple bulls that prey on murderers, a strange village with no doors to houses, the magical stone that revolves by itself as the devotees step onto it, Ettalapparaja, a man who has been alive for 200 years, a ghost that possessed a waterfall, a young man who died in a road accident is back alive in the morgue 11 hours later, a demon guarding the treasure in Ratnagiri, the mystery of enchanted machines, a man who turned into a snake, the man who speaks the divine language, a lamp that glows in water, a village where no one lives.