Maa T. V. had a parental Piece called as Star India Network T. V. Private Limited. It had the center of operations at the present capital of Telangana known as the Hyderabad. S. W. O. T. Analysis had proved that they had no contact with the rural people through there had the similar base with the Urban People. So, they had different program introductions to pull out the presence amongst another channel. One of the initiatives had the serial Maa Oori Monagallu. The theme had the basement of roaming and competing. The Anchor of the dramatization had roamed around all over the Villages in the present Andhra Pradesh as well as Telangana.
The contestants participate to prove who had the fitness as well as skills in completing the onerous tasks. The most watched episodes in the online social media YouTube had the contest in the under-developed area called as Palamoori which had a distance of 845 kilometers from the capital of the present A. P. known as Amravati. They had invented some new games to make the young guns participate in it. Some of them had included Nondi Kuthu, Onteddu Aata, and Goluku mozha, etc. The total run time of the entire reality night had 43 minutes.
The rest of the 17 minutes had the commercial advertisement from the main and subsidiary sponsors for the gallantry. The Producers of the sequential had remarked that it had an essential message for the youths at the present generation to set their talents to a higher standard. Also, they had not forgotten the traditional games that their ancestors had invented with a scientific purpose. The Director of the Maa Networks had upheld the views. He further added that physical fitness combined with the clear mental capability had the key concepts of our older generations.
One of the most watched games had the camping at Ongole. They had moved to find out the Mr. Fit. In that particular event, they had introduced a drama where they had taken push up combined with the crunches. Raj Kumar Dhundiga and Ramesh Naidu had their crowns at the end. It had followed the pattern made at the gymnasiums where even the body builders had found it difficult to do so. The villagers had proven their talent once again by indicating that the food had played a major factor in their inhibition of haziness. Watch the above link for more entertaining and enriching videos.