Arjun had the background of a crime thriller from various authors across the globe. The total running time had half an hour comprising of eighty-seven episodes with a single season. The Maa Gold Channel of Star Network Solutions had held the broadcasting rights that had subsequently transferred to the Hot Star App. The Free Telecast and the paid transmission had the difference of one hour I. S. T. i.e. 7 P. M. I. S. T. for non-premium subscribers and 6 P. M. I. S. T. for those who had enrolled in the Prime membership. The entire theme revolves around a person called Arjun.
He had the traits of intelligence coupled with the presence of mind and detective capacity. He had enrolled himself with the Detective Wing of India’s one of the leading Police Division. He had a superior brigadier who had firmly believed in his talent. The Inspector General Officer had assigned him the toughest tasks as well as those cases where the entire sector had no clue. There had four bottomlands where Arjun’s Skills had exhibited. These four had the highest viewership regarding numbers in the social platform YouTube. The author had decided not to disclose the entire happenings in each of it.
However, the writer had narrated in brief by mentioning the details. The first one had the Episode number 84 titled ‘A Murder with the Twist.’ In the current scenario, no one including the habitual watchdogs had guessed the actual criminal, but Arjun did it in style. The next on the list had the murder of Miss Universe from India. The talented young girl had very less time to celebrate her victory. She had tasted death on account of her rivalry with an inventory company. The third had the E. T. F. that helped in cracking down a drowning case. E. T. F. had the specialized intelligence appointed by one of the defense organizations in the world.
The Final one on the bucket had the perilous incident of a murderer who had committed an unarmed robbery that had resulted in the death of an entire family. Arjun had the rebelling nature against the dominance of the higher ranks. He had earned repute at the Emergency Task Force. Watch the above link daily to get to know well about the Indian Sherlock Holmes (Arjun had the nickname) expertized in solving of various dispute.Â