Gemini Television Channel, a unit of the Sun T. V. N. P. L. had brought up a new program to decide on the issues of astrology also known as Josiah in the local slang. The serial had the lead by the popular star predictor called as Maha Rishi. He had known among the public through his precision probability among the others practicing his profession. He had made appearances in a different local newspaper and had given out the happenings of a particular period earlier with perfection. In some of the other local satellites, Maha Rishi had even gone to the extent of making live calls from his disciples. In an interview one of the devotees had stated that his daughter had remained unmarried even after crossing the age of 36 years. He had approached Maha Rishi through a TV set.
Swami had analyzed different Jathaks and stated that his kid had suffered from Nagaa Dosha. For the benefit of the viewers, the term Naga Dosha had to be dealt in detail here. It had meant that the particular person had the curse of snakes through the pedigree of the child. They had the change of stars and grahas in their jathag and thus resulting in the Dosha. Sometimes, the marriage would long despite various efforts. To get rid of these worries, people like Maha Rishi would prefer an alternative such as Parihara or Dosha Nivarana Pujas or other ceremonies and rituals to make the people happy. Some of them had believed that he had the incarnation of the God. He had successfully managed his career through his learning and interpretation skills. Initially, it had the plan of the interactive session.
Later they had decided that the acts must be limit only to the zodiac sign and the preparations. Every morning the sequential had begun with a mantra followed by the daily events. Later the Zodiac and the day had narrated. It had the continuation with the year predicts. Finally, it had ended with or without any letters to the editors of the broadcasters. Thus, in a nutshell, the drama had many hopes had fed. It had proved to be a savior for those who had belief in Jathaaks and astrology. Maha Rishi Subaha Yogam had once again proved that he had the stuff with him that had driven millions of people before him.