Idi Katha Kadu is a Telugu-language serial airing on Star Maa. The show is a crime show and airs every Sunday at 2 am. It mainly revolves around the re-enactment of true stories so as to make people aware of how criminals can insidiously enter our lives and cause us harm, and how we should be prepared in case of such an occurrence. It has been classified as a show of the dramatic genre. It can be translated to mean 'This is not the story,’ meaning, the story presented to the public is often an incomplete or incorrect account, and the show wishes to fix the misconception. The show revolves greatly around the real-life stories of crime that have taken place in our country. Often the victims of crime are not offered the support and the justice they deserve, and this program is a means to inform the public of such injustice that has now become common.
The hope is that someday, this level of unjust behaviour towards victims will cease and everyone will be taken seriously by the authorities when they are subjected to any kind of criminal activity. Shows like these can promote a safer society. The by-line of the show reads 'Be Alert,’ thus serving as a warning to all those watching to beware of such crimes that could happen to anybody if they aren't paying close enough attention. The brutal crimes that are mentioned include mysterious murders that have gone unsolved as well as cases of dowry harassment and in some cases subsequent murder.
The latter kind of situation is quite common in our country, as the efforts taken to rid dowry as a social evil have not yet been fully successful in rural areas and the situations discussed on the show are still quite commonplace for many individuals. This show can be considered one of its kind, as it opens our eyes to many horrifying truths and helps us prevent ourselves from getting into such situations. It serves as means to inform the public about the kinds of evil that still exist in our country, and how to avoid being trapped by them. It serves more as a kind of service to the public and promotes a feeling of alertness so that fewer people are affected by the kinds of people who do not have other people's best interests on their minds.