The young Indian model and South Indian actress Gimi George, who is widely known as Miya George, is a gift and promise for the Malayalam film industry. She was born on Jan 28th, 1992 in the busiest city in our country, Mumbai. Later she moved back to her native Kerala. She completed her schooling from Sacred Heart’s girl’s high school...
Nivetha Pethuraj is an Indian actor and a model. She predominantly works in the Tamil film industry. She is a young actress who is the face of the modern Tamil cinema. Her good looks and elegance have made her a rising star in the South Indian film industry....
Dinesh’s very first entry into big screen through a Tamil movie called “Thirumanam enum Nikah” is the talk of kollywood now. He has done a villain role in that movie. Dinesh was born on 25th August 1985 in a small town called Srivilliputtur in Tamilnadu. After graduating from Loyola College, Chennai as a visual communication graduate, he entered “Vijay TV”...