Aadal Arasi is a dance based show in Tamil language that airs on the channel, Makkal TV. Makkal TV is a fairly new and popular infotainment channel that was launched in the year 2006. The channel is owned by Makkal Tholai Thodarpu Kuzhumam Ltd. The show, Aadal Arasi was first launched in the year 2014. Since then, the show is in the running till date. After some time of the launch, the show was renamed as Aadal Arasigalin Sangamam by the makers of the show. The show airs in early hours of the morning. The first episode of the day is aired at 5:00 in the morning.
Later in the day, the show is also aired at a few different time slots like 9:00 am, 3:00 p.m., etc. Each episode of the show is 30 minutes long. Dance as an art form is embedded deep into the roots of Indian culture. As diverse as the culture of this country is, dance forms have a very key role to play in this cultural richness. Different states have their different kind of folk and native dances. Some of these dances are still practiced and kept alive in the heart of the state, while some others have received international acclaim because of their intricacy and beauty.
Bharathnatyam is one such dance form that is very inherently associated with the heritage of India. This dance form had its roots in the state of Tamil Nadu but has branched out globally. This dance form though is a treat to watch but is filled with minute details and precise movements that give this dance form the beauty it holds. And these details and accuracy come from years of training and practice. Men and women through ages have practiced this dance form and given it the limelight that it needs.
Various learned teachers have inculcated their knowledge into their students and passed on this rich legacy through generations. Aadal Arasi brings these great Bharathnatyam dancers from all around the world under one roof and gives its audience a treat with performances par excellence. The show is a compilation of various such Bharathnatyam dancers from different houses and legacies, who have been taught by different teachers. The show features dance performances in groups or solo or duet where the dancers showcase different styles and flavors of Bharathnatyam. From portraying characters to showing emotions, from story-telling to giving meaning to poetry, from shiva taandava to praying to the lords, this dance form is very diverse in nature.
And the performances in this show showcase exactly that, and also different poetries from famous Tamil poets which the dancers use as their background music and emote the meanings of these poets through their dance. The show acts as a platform for young and new dancers as well as popular and well-trained dancers in the profession who take part in this show and make their talent appreciable to the world. The show is hosted by Thaara.