Sihini is a Sinhala teledrama that started airing on June 24, 2019, on Independent Television Network (ITN). The show was directed by Shantha Soysa and depicts the love story between our two main characters, Senehas and Sihini. Senehas, a boy who used to live in slums, attended an elite school and befriended Sandaru, who hails from a wealthy family.
The show revolves around Sandaru’s anger towards Sihini. Sihini’s father is working as an accountant at Sandaru’s business. Sandaru starts manipulating Sehenas to get revenge on Sihini. The show depicts the distinct traits of each of these social classes. Actors such as Sooraj Mapa, Shehani Kahandawala Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Anjula Rajapaksha Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Prashan Senanayake, Sarath Kotalawala Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Kumara Thirimdura, and Dulika Marapana contributed significantly to the series with their talents.