Suhaga Sindura is an Odia romantic drama serial that premiered on June 6, 2022, on Star Kiran, Monday to Saturday, 8:30 p.m. This series is an adaptation of a popular Bengali serial, Ishti Kutum Ishti Kutum is a Bengali family drama-comedy TV se >> Read More... , whose story also inspired a Hindi serial, Imlie. It is also available on Disney+ Hotstar. Sushree Sabita Palei, Jessy Samal Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , and Jayjeet Das Jayjeet Das from Cuttack, Odisha is a well-known O >> Read More... are in the lead roles. This story is about Hema (Sushree Sabita Palei), a bright, young, and ambitious girl from the village of Nuamali. She is good at her studies and wishes to give a comfortable life to her mother. Aditya is a reporter. He is in love with Malini (Jessy Samal). He visits Nuamali due to work and meets Hema. They are always at loggerheads and hate each other. One rainy night, they got stuck in one place. When the orthodox villagers learned about this, they forcefully married them to save their honours.
This event shattered Hema’s dreams. She had to go with her so-called husband to the big city, posing as a maidservant from the village in front of his family. She promised Aditya to keep their marriage a secret. However, Aditya continues his love affair with Malini, a devoted and trusting lover, hiding the truth of his forced marriage. Eventually, his family started liking Hema, and she restarted her studies to fulfill her long-awaited dreams. What will become of this love triangle? Will Aditya marry Malini? Will Hema realize her dreams? The later episodes of this gripping tale will answer these questions.