Raja Mauja is an Odia TV show aired on Tarang TV. The show is conceptualized based on the Odia festival named Mithuna Sankranti. Raja and Mithuna Sankranti is a three-day Odia festival. This festival celebrates the womanhood, nature, and agriculture of Odisha. It characterizes the start of the agricultural season and the solar month of Mithun. People worship the Sun God, Lord Vishnu, and the Earth Goddess. One of the traditional dances of this festival is Dalkhai. During this festival, women get a 3-day break from their tiring life and household chores. In this festival women play indoor and outdoor games for three days and enjoy with each other. During this festival, all the women also swing. Women wear new and traditional clothes at this festival. Along with new and traditional jewellery, women also wear ornamentation and Alatha on their feet. Overall, it is an Odia entertaining show related to womanhood and the traditional festival of Odisha.