Dostana is an Odia television show that opens by breaking the fourth wall and introducing the characters then and there, including actors such as Arpita and Ranjit. It revolves around friends and their comedic output to the story. It starts with two people in a restaurant, trying to order food and having a good time. However, in a matter of few minutes, the man got pissed off at the waiter, who he falsely misinterprets as standing near his date.
More comical instances happen in the form of a random astrologer who interrupts them and keeps offering to do a hand reading and predict the future. She also does this for the waiter, who makes an appearance shortly. The man, who was already agitated, was faced with another dilemma. Another friend of hers, who was a male, makes an appearance. He gets furious now, threatening to leave. However, somehow, he manages to calm down and settle. More comical instances happen with the date being breached by more of her friends and his friends. It turns into a friend date rather than one to one.