Banaste Dakila Gaja was a television series, in Odia that aired on Star Kirano specifically created to honor the festival of 'Raja Sankranti' in Odisha. The show beautifully captured the essence of the festivities by recreating a setting in the studio. It brought together artists from the state entertainment industry who enthusiastically participated in enjoyable games like 'Bagudi' 'Kiti Kiti,' 'Luchakali' (Hide & Seek) and 'Rumal Chori.' The women participants engaged in activities such, as swinging on the 'Doli,' singing melodious 'Raja' songs, and embellishing themselves with Kumkum, Alata, and nail polish.
The event was filled with greetings as the celebrities were welcomed with betel leaves ('Paan') delicious Poda Pitha and sweet delicacies. Many celebrities made entrances by dancing and singing atop farm vehicles. They were divided into four teams each showcasing their talents through captivating dance performances engaging in Kabaddi matches playing chairs displaying their skills through cooking challenges and embracing makeover challenges. The event also featured celebrity singers and comedians who mesmerized everyone with their talents. Notable guests included veteran Odia actress Mahasweta Ray Mahasweta Ray is the most popular leading female a >> Read More... and senior actor Kuna Tripathi. Sulagna Rautaray and Shubham Behera hosted a program that aired on June 19 2022 showcasing an culturally vibrant celebration of Raja Sankranti. If you're interested you can catch it on Star Kirano for details.