Shark Tank Nepal is a reality show where entrepreneurs get a chance to pitch their businesses to wealthy investors called "Sharks" to secure funding. The show is meant for businesses that are already making revenue but need investment to grow bigger. The entrepreneurs have to present details about their business and ask the Sharks to invest money in exchange for a percentage of ownership/stake in the company. For participation, Businesses have to apply first and submit a report of their business. The businesses are then shortlisted according to the interviews they conducted among the selected businesses. The shortlisted businesses appear on the show to present their idea to the Sharks.
The Sharks analyze the business and make different decisions. They negotiate, make offers, counter-offers, or may decline to invest. If a deal is made, the Sharks discuss their level of involvement in the business. Businesses must be registered and have been operational for at least 1 year, to be eligible for this investment and also should have Nepalis as founders. Various factors like the company's valuation by the founders, recent revenues, and target market potential influence the investment amount. If the entrepreneurs convince the Sharks, they get funding. If not, they leave empty-handed, but still, they get non-investment assistance from the Sharks. The show helps promising businesses get the funding and guidance they need to grow from accomplished investors.