Ring ka king was a professional TV wrestling show and was aired on Colors TV during 2012. Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA) came to India with a big project which was titled as Ring ka king. The show was produced with the help of Endemic, managed by Jeff Jarrett in association with Jeremy Brash, Dave Agana and former TNA wrestler Sonja Mutt. The show featured Indian and American wrestlers. Some of the wrestlers like Zelma Ion, Scott Steiner and abyss were under contract with TNA whereas others like American Adonis, Isaiah Cash and Sonja Mutt were independent wrestlers. The first episode of the show started with live performance of pop star Mika. After his performance, famous cricketer
Harbhajan Singh
joined Mika and they along with the anchor introduce the eight participants to the tournament one by one. The participants in the tournament were Chavo Guerrero Jr., B-Maxx ( Indian), Sir Brutus Magnus, Dr. Nicholas Dinsmore,
Sonjay Dutt
, Mahabali Veera, Scott Steiner and Matt Morgan. Jazzy Lahoria, who came on the stage with a huge bodyguard, was the commissioner for the show. There were some random wrestlers as well in the show. A Japanese sumo wrestler, Yamamotoyama Ryuta also made his appearance in one of the episodes. There were some female wrestlers like Mickie James, Angelina Love and Alissa Flash also made their appearance in the show. After a number of fights presented to the audience in most glamorous manner, Matt Morgan got the title of Heavy Weight Champion. In team championships, Bulldog Hart and Guerrero Jr. defeated sir Brutus Magnus and Sonjay Dutt to claim the inaugural championship.
The show was telecast on Colors TV channel from January 28, 2012 to April 22, 2012 in 26 episodes during the season I.