Sherry Agarwal is a Telugu actress. She is known for Ram Asur, an action film released on 19 November 2021, directed and written by Triparna Venkatesh, and starring Sherry Agarwal, Dishanth, and Abhichandra Jella. She worked on April 28 Em Jarigindi, a drama, horror, and thriller film released on 5 March 2021, directed by Veera Swamy, written by Veera Swamy...
Karthik Kodakandla represents Telangana in the Indian film industry.By calling, he's an Indian music chief artist, musician, lyricist, vocalist, and composer. Before giving a chance in Bollywood, Karthik worked as a software Development officer for Infosys. During his initial days, he composed music for short Telugu movies. His first short film, “Anukokunda,” released in the year 2012,is nominated for the...
Karthik Raju is an Indian Actor. He is an upcoming star in the Telugu Film Industry. He belongs to a small town near Bhimavaram. Entering the industry was not very tough for Karthik as his father is an A-list producer in the Telugu Film Industry. Vizag Raju, the father of Karthik Raju, has produced loads of Telugu movies and took...
Rahul Jagtap is an actor, model, and social media personality. He was born on 25 January 1976 in Pune, Maharashtra, India. Rahul became famous when he started posting his videos on the social media platform TikTok. But later, TikTok was banned by the Indian government, so Mr. Rahul switched to Instagram, where he gained a massive amount of fans and...