Reshmi Menon is a promising Indian actress hailing from Kerala. She is seen to be appearing in Tamil Films. The discovery of this actress was quite like every girl’s fantasy. She accompanied a friend of hers to audition for a role. The film was Inidhu Inidhu and she got herself cast as the lead in it. Reshmi was a child...
L. K. Vignesh professionally called Kathir L Kavin, or Kathir, is an upcoming Tamil actor born and brought up in Erode. His world was Erode until his schooling. He completed his basic education in Bharathi Vidhya Bhavan and pursued Civil Engineering in Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore....
M Anucharan is the director of movie Kirumi, which has been critically acclaimed by the critics and loved by the audiences and got a special screening in Canada at the 19th Annual Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival. He got his degree from Coimbatore Institute of Technology in mechanical engineering. Anucharan is a design engineer by profession and has done...
Yogi Babu is one of the famous actors in Indian films. His appearance is there in only Tamil movies. At present, he is a regular comedy actor in Tamil films. Babu was born in Chennai, Tamilnadu. His acting career started from 2009 onwards. He was famous for his outstanding movie called Maan Karate (2014); a fantasy oriented Tamil film under...
David Solomon Raja is an Indian actor who has catered to the Tamil entertainment industry for over a decade. He was born in Chennai,Tamil Nadu on 24th September 1978 . He made his debut on television with a recurring supporting role of a police inspector in Sun TV’s “Thendral” (2009), directed by S. Kumaran and starring Shruthi Raj. Raja’s next...
Charle was born in Kovilpatti, Tamil Nadu, India and his real name was Manohar Velmurugan Thangasamy. He is an Indian actor who has worked in almost 600 Tamil movies. Charle finished his graduation in chemistry from G. V. N. College situated in Kovilpatti, Tamil Nadu. From his college days, he had the habit to mimic and imitate the Tamil actors...