Ganesh, aka Ganesan, is a director in the Tamil film industry. His father is Irulandi. He is from Chengalpattu. Ganesh did his graduation at Madurai Kamaraj University. Ganesh directed “Kayiru” in 2020. The film featured Kavya Madhav and SR Gunaa in the lead roles. Kayiru was officially selected to get screened at Bayelsa International Film Festival. Before getting released, the...
Indian cinematographer Jayan R Unnithan was born on January 1, 1970, in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Jayan is a famous cinematographer in Kollywood and Malayalam film industries. He is the cinematographer of the Malayalam musical drama '' Dance Dance'' released in 2017, directed by Nizar, and screenplay writer Kollam Siraj. He is also known as Jayan Unnithan. He is also the...
Vijay Anand also known as ‘Goldie‘ is an Indian filmmaker, producer, director, screenwriter and an actor who made some classic films to date. He is related to actor Dev Anand and directed many in-house films of ‘Navketan Films’ (owned by actor Dev Anand). He was born on 22 January 1934 in Punjab. As an actor, he acted opposite Jaya Bhaduri...
Velmurgan is a Play Back Singer in Tamil Film Industry. He was born on 5 March 1980 in Viruthachalam, Tamil Nadu. Velmurgan is a singer, actor, musician, and lyricist. He entered the Tamil film industry in the year 2007. He had sung many folk songs, which include Madura in Subramaniapuram and the Otha Sollala in Aadukalam....
Hello Kandasamy is an Indian actor who has worked in several Tamil movies. He is a very talented artist and is often appreciated for his comic-timing and potential. He made his debut in 2010. In 2010 he played a small role of a Bus Passenger in the film Mynaa. It was a romantic action-drama released on 5 November 2010. It was...