K. Rajeshwar, who made his debut in the direction field with 'Nyaya Tharasu,', found Kollywood’s best screenplay writer Kalaignar Karunanidhi to assist him, and it was no doubt a satisfying experience for him. Rajeshwar spent his childhood in Mumbai and came back to Chennai and got enrolled in Loyola College. Later, his passion for cinema drove him to Adyar Film...
Karthik Muthuraman is an Indian politician, film actor and playback singer. He was born as Murali Karthikeyan Muthuraman on September 13, 1960, in Chennai, Tamil Nadu in India to Sulochana and Tamil film actor, R. Muthuraman. He attended St. Bede’s Anglo Indian Higher Secondary School in Chennai and later took Bachelor of Arts degree at the New College in Chennai....