Shylaja Sreedharan Nair is one of the newest faces in the Malayalam Film Industry. She is the youngest daughter of the late veteran actor Kottarakkara Sreedharan Nair and Vijayalakshmi Amma. Shylaja has five sisters and two brothers, namely, Jaysree, Geetha, Laila, Shobha, Beena, and Kala and Saikumar. ...
Binu Pappu is an actor predominately working in the Malayalam Film Industry. He hails from Kochi, Kerala. Binu is the son of Kuthiravattam Pappu, a popular stage actor. Binu was inclined towards cinema from a very young age. He debuted as an actor in the 2017 political drama “Sakhavu.” Sidharth Siva directed the motion picture. Binu performed alongside Nivin Pauly,...