Dileep was born in Kerala as Gopalakrishnan Padmanabhan Pillai in the year 1968. His career started as an assistant director to Kamal. He was named as Dileep through the character he performed in his debut movie. His debut movie as a hero was in the year 1994 through Manathe Kottaaram as Dileep. Sallapam and Punjabi House made him get popularity...
Joshiy is an Indian film director known for his work in the Malayalam Industry. Â He has directed more than 80 movies. Joshiy was married to Sindhu. They had a daughter Aishwarya who died in a car accident in 2011 in July in Chennai. The couple has a son named Abhilash, who was married to Varsha. Joshiy was born in Thiruvananthapuram...