Arjun Ashokan is an upcoming Indian actor in the Malayalam film industry. He has worked in a host of movies in the part of prominent supporting roles. Arjun is an artist whose intense performance never fails to strike a chord with the audience. His dedication to the field of acting and his unique talents set him apart from the typical...
Indrans, who was born as K. Surendran, is a Malayalam actor and costume designer. He has acted predominantly in many comedy films and over 250 films. He is the second child out of the seven children of Gomathi and Palavila Kochuvelu in Thiruvananthapuram, India in the year 1951. Indirans made his schooling at the Government Higher Secondary School in Kumarapuram...
Jayakrishnan N is an extremely popular South Indian actor. He started his career via serials and then moved on to movies. Jayakrishnan has portrayed very strong and powerful roles in many mega serials and telefilms. But he is still awaiting a big break in movies.
Jayakrishnan's first serial was directed by the famous cinematographer Sunny Joseph. He has performed lead roles,...