Sadwini Koppa is an Indian singer who predominantly worked in the Kannada film and music industry. Sadwini Koppa Is popularly known for many Kannada hits. Some of her popular Kannada hits were Mareyalaguthilla with Vishal Thimmaiah, Elli Hodane Sakhi, Yedeya Daniya Haadu with Vijay Prakash, Seemantha Seemantha with Vasushree Halemane, Prithwi Bhat, and Vihaan Arya, First Night Song (From "Undenaama")...
Vinu Manasu is an Indian music director, composer, singer, and actor in the Kannada industry. He is also a popular playback singer. He was born in Bangalore and completed his education there. He is graduated in music and wants to become a big music director. He began his career as a music director in 2014 with the movie 143 Nooranavalathmur....