Himani Shivpuri is an Indian actress, born on October 24, 1960 and bought up in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India. She was known for doing supporting roles in Hindi television series and also in Bollywood films. She was the daughter of Hindi teacher, Haridutt Bhatt. He used to teach at The Doon School in Dehradun where Himani studied. During her school days,...
Omkar Das Manikpuri is a film as well as a stage actor who was born in 1970 in Brindanagar, Bhilai, in the state of Chhattisgarh. He grew up in the Durg district of Chattisgarh. He studied till fifth standard but due to the sudden death of his father he had to quit studies. Later, he joined a local village theatre...
Razzak (Razak) Khan celebrates his birthday on the 28th of March. He was born in Mumbai, Maharashtra. He has dreamt of becoming an actor since his childhood. In his childhood, he was admitted to an Urdu school & he had not much understanding of English, still, he used to go and watch English Movies. Later after returning to home, he along...