Srishty Rode is an actress renowned for her work in the Indian Television industry. Her portrayal of the bubbly character of Manjari in Yeh Ishq Haaye on Star One gained her popularity. She was born on September 24, 1991, and is approximately 23 year old. Rode belongs to a conservative family due to which she was prohibited from pursuing her...
Aarti Puri was born on 8th January in Punjab, India. She is an Indian Television and Movie Actress and a Model, who started her career in 2010 with regional cinemas and then moved on to the small screen. Aarti has been amusing her fans by the variety of roles she has played. As far as the regional film is concerned,...
Priyanka Khera made her entry into the Television world with a Colors popular TV serial Shastri Sisters. Her attractive personality and powerful depictions have made her an admired persona within a short period. Priyanka is portraying the character of a22-year-old girl Channi. Channi left alone at a very early age, grows up with her bhaiya and bhabhi while fantasizing and...
Sunil Patel is a well-known Indian cinematographer, director, producer, and music director. Sunil is known for his predominant contributions to the Hindi television and film industry. Sunil is also known for his work in the advertising world too. He has worked for more than three decades in the industry and is doing brilliantly. Sunil was born on the 1st of...
    ‘Sandeep Nath’, is a very famous character in Bollywood since he does many different things in the industry. He is a Director, Producer, Screenwriter as well as a Lyricist in the Bollywood film industry of India. He was born in ‘Uttar Pradesh’ of India into a Bengali family and he is said to have been very...
Abhishek Duhan is a big dreamer, who was born in the village of Haryana. He was in his early 7th grade when he became sure of what his dream was, and that was to become an actor. But unfortunately, his parents didn’t want him to be an actor, instead, they want him to pursue his studies and proceed to a...
Avtar Gill is an Indian Television and film actor. he worked in many movie and television serials. Gill was born at Alakh village in Ahmedgarh, Ludhiana. ''It is the richest city with a very poor infrastructure. after his birth his parents moved to Mumbai so all his education was done in Mumbai. Avtar Gill is a veteran Bollywood actor who...
Brajesh Tiwari is an Indian actor who is contributing tremendously to the Bollywood industry. During his childhood days, he always wanted to become an actor and now he is living his dream. Mr. Brajesh used to take part in drama and theater during his school time and got lot of appreciations for his acting skills. After completing his schooling and...