Krishna DK is an Indian filmmaker who has collaborated with Raj Nidimoru to deliver quirky films in the Bollywood industry. His full name is Krishna Dasarakothapalli. He was born on December 13, 1972. Krishna hails from Chittoor where he completed his schooling as well. Then, he opted for computer science engineering at Tirupati-based Sri Venkateswara University. But Krishna did not...
Raj Nidimoru is a US based director. He is of Indian origin and an Engineering graduate. He directs and produces movies along with his partner Krishna D.K. The duo has fabricated some of the excellent critically acclaimed pictures which includes films like ‘Flavors’, ‘Shor’, ‘99’, etc....
The current chairman and MD of the Grey Group India, Sunil Lulla is a media and communication personnel. He finished his B.Com from Mumbai University of Mumbai and went on to attain a Master's degree in Management Studies from S.P Jain Institute of Management and Research India. Before Grey Group India in July 2014, Sunil has been a board member...
Nawazuddin Siddiqui was born in Budhana in Muzaffarpur district of Western UP on May 19, 1974. He grew up with seven brothers and two sisters in his native village. He is a science graduate from Gurukul Kangri University Haridwar and after completion of his graduation, he worked as a chemist in a factory for a short while. He did not...
Shahid Kapoor also identifies as the name Shahid Khattar. He is an Indian movie or film artist or say, actor. He was born in the year 1981, February 25. He is being honoured with the two Awards of Film fare from the four suggested nominations. The boy child of the actors Neelima Azeem and Pankaj Kapur, the junior Kapoor commenced...