Rekha Rana is a New Delhi-based Bollywood actor, model, and theatre artist. She participated in the prestigious Miss Delhi contest whereby she went on to become the winner of titles like Miss Photogenic face and Miss Beautiful Smile in 2007. Her first movie named, ‘Ab Dharna Hoga Unlimited’ based on Anna Hazare’s protest movement, was released in April 2012. ...
Deepak Tanwar is an Indian film director and producer, popular amongst the regional audience for his work in movies like Ab Dharna Hoga Unlimited (2012). Mostly known for his predominant involvement in Hindi TV shows, short films, stage plays, and Bollywood movies, Deepak has been working in the film industry for more than ten years now. In 2012, he came...
Chandra Bhushan Singh is a Bollywood actor, director and producer. He started his journey in 2007 and has more than seven years of experience in Film Making, Production Designing, Project Head and Planning and Execution of Projects. His full name is Pakhi Anuj Chandra Bhushan Singh Negi. Singh was born on December 6, 1984 and his zodiac sign is Sagittarius....
Omkar Das Manikpuri is a film as well as a stage actor who was born in 1970 in Brindanagar, Bhilai, in the state of Chhattisgarh. He grew up in the Durg district of Chattisgarh. He studied till fifth standard but due to the sudden death of his father he had to quit studies. Later, he joined a local village theatre...
Saurabh Malik is an Indian actor, director, writer, filmmaker and theatre artist. He was born on 19 October 1988. He made his acting debut with ‘AbHogaDharna Unlimited’. That is a critical acclaimed politically equipped satire. Saurabh belongs to Delhi, and he has completed his schooling at DPS VasantKunj, New Delhi and then went on to study medicine at LalaLajpatRai Memorial...
Ahsaan Qureshi is an Indian actor and a stand up comedian. He was born in Madhya Pradesh in a middle class family. He is a simple man with a talent to make anyone laugh at any time and in any condition which is very difficult for an ordinary man to expert....