His life begins to change course as gained fame in portraying the beautiful character of “Beast.” He’s now one of the most promising actors in Hollywood at his young age. Born as Nicholas Caradoc Hoult on December 7th 1989 in Berkshire, England. He started his acting career by playing the role Bobby in the 1996 movie “Intimate Relations.” He also...
“You know I can eat peaches for hours…” This is one of his famous lines from his iconic role in the movie “Face/Off.” He is a legendary actor from Hollywood and most known for his mind-blogging acts in the portrayal of any character. He is known as one of the most fertile actors and commonly known for his fascinations with...
Dave Davis is also known as Dave, was born in 1989 in Princeton, New Jersey, United States. He is an American screen-based actor by profession. He was born and brought up from a Jewish family. He has spend his childhood getting utmost care in Princeton, New Jersey, U.S. The family brought the kid into the family, addressing as a new...
Christien Tinsley is an American makeup artist and bio creator. His career started in Los Angeles at the age of 22. Within two years, he had a place in the makeup league and began to work as a makeup artist for films such as ‘The Grinch’, ‘Pearl Harbor’, ‘Swordfish’, and ‘Ocean’, ‘Work 11’ and more. He continued to develop a proprietary...
Marco Beltrami is an American film composer. He is best known for his score music in horror movies like ‘Mimic,’ ‘The Woman in Black,’ ‘Don't Be Afraid of the Dark,’ ‘Resident Evil.’ He was a part of the movie ‘Scream’ and its franchise in collaboration with Wes Craven. He had been nominated twice for Academy Awards and had won the...