Ella Hunt is an English actress and singer, who is recognized for her lead role of Anna in John McPhail’s Scottish musical film “Anna and the Apocalypse” (2017). The movie narrates the story of Anna and her friends who struggle to survive during a zombie apocalypse that haunts them during Christmas. Ella was nominated for the best actress title at...
Marli Siu is a Scottish film and theatre actor and writer who is widely recognized for playing Lisa in John McPhail’s apocalyptic musical film “Anna and the Apocalypse” (2017). She was born in Forres, Scotland to a Scottish mother and a Hong Kong-born father. Since she grew up in rural Scotland, her exposure to the world of drama was limited....
Sarah Swire is a Canadian actor, writer, musician and choreographer from Toronto. She is famous for her lead role in John McPhail’s Scottish musical comedy “Anna and the Apocalypse” (2017). Sarah portrays the character of Steph North, friend of Anna (played by Ella Hunt), who struggles to survive a zombie apocalypse that haunts her and her friends on Christmas. She...
Born in Glasgow, John McPhail is a Scottish movie director, screenwriter and editor. He graduated with expertise in cinematography from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. He worked as an assistant camera operator for the first few years of his career with his project being the space sci-fi film “Battlestar Galactica: By Your Command” (2008). He also shot the sixth season...
Christopher Leveaux is an American actor who is known for playing the lead role of Chris Wise in the zombie apocalypse musical comedy “Anna and the Apocalypse” (2017). He started his career with theatre where he performed numerous plays, including “Peter and Alice”, “Punk Rock” and “The Green Bay Tree”. His debut in Hollywood was as James Delingpole in More4...
Ben Wiggins is a British actor known for his supporting role of Nick in the musical comedy “Anna and the Apocalypse” (2017). He made his debut as Michael in the horror thriller “Cam2Cam” (2014). His first lead act was in the short film “Stay Still” (2015) which narrates the story of a photographer (played by Elena Voce) who becomes obsessed...