Jaya (Jayalakshmi) Swaminathan is an excellent Chennai-based theater and film actor. She started as a model in her early days but soon shifted to the film industry, where she found her passion and has been in the industry since then. Jaya has achieved some crazy feats, where she has worked in numerous feature films, biopics, YouTube channels, short films, and some stage plays.
She has made it this far with sheer hustle and hard work, and she was always the type of go-getter who never lost hope and always encouraged the idea of “there’s always a way” belief. She has been an excellent gem for the film industry as she has pumped out some fantastic films such...
Jharana Das, a well-known actress in her 60s, was born in 1945 and was best known for her appearances in Sri Jaganath, Nari, and Hira Nila. She was a prominent child artist on SIR, Cuttack, and appeared in melodramas such as Amada Bata, Abhinetri, and the classical Malajanha. She was born into a Christian household and was a noted child actor in melodramas such as Amada Bata, Abhinetri, and the classical Malajanha.
She has also studied dance with Guru Kelucharan Mahapatra, a well-known instructor of classical dance in Odissi, from whom she just received the Guru Kelucharan Mahapatra Award 2016. But, after studying and before b...