Jaya (Jayalakshmi) Swaminathan is an excellent Chennai-based theater and film actor. She started as a model in her early days but soon shifted to the film industry, where she found her passion and has been in the industry since then. Jaya has achieved some crazy feats, where she has worked in numerous feature films, biopics, YouTube channels, short films, and some stage plays.
She has made it this far with sheer hustle and hard work, and she was always the type of go-getter who never lost hope and always encouraged the idea of “there’s always a way” belief. She has been an excellent gem for the film industry as she has pumped out some fantastic films such as Pyar Prema Kadhal (2018) by YSR Films & K Productions, Penguin (2020) by Stone Bench Films, Daivathul Daivam (2017) by SS International Live, Put Chutney (2019) by Damirican Cinema, Share Auto by Neelam Productions (2019), Mangai Maanvizhi Ambugal Click to look into! >> Read More... (2018) by Roadtrain Pictures, Vannam Kottatum (2020) by Madras Talkies, Kaal Noortandu Kadhal (2019) by Whistle & Clap Entertainment, Mother Of 1084 (2018) by Medai, and Kola (2019) by Moti Arts.
She has also played a role in a female (2020) award-winning Tamil short film by KS Media Productions and Mayathira (2019), an award-winning Malayalam short film by Two Magic Woman Creations. She also runs a YouTube channel named “Jugglin’ the 40s” and is dedicated to creating quality, engaging content. In a recent interview, she said, “Although commercial cinema is wonderful, I am drawn to art and experimental films’’, with more films to come from such an outstanding actress, all we see is a bright future for her career in the film industry.