Uday Salvi is an Indian actor who appears in the Marathi television serial and plays. He featured alongside Prashant Damle, Supriya Pilgaonkar, and Shyam Ponkshe in the famous Marathi play titled Aamhi Dogha Raja Rani. Uday Salvi gained fame for portraying the character of Dada or Vasant Salvi in the 2021 Zee Marathi romance serial Yeu Kashi Tashi Me Nandayla. He starred alongside Dipti Samel-Ketkar, Anvita Phaltankar, Shalva Kinjawadekar, Umesh Bane, and Shubhangi Bhujba in this Marathi serial. In 2017, he appeared in a supporting role for the Colors Marathi serial Ghadge & Suun. Uday Salvi starred alongside Sukanya Kulkarni, Bhagyashree Limaye, Chinmay Udgirkar and other actors in Ghadge & Suun....
Umesh Bolake is an actor who has done several Hindi serials and films. He has worked in Marathi serials like  Kul Swamini, Vahini Saheb, Krupa Sindhu, Lakshya, Man Udhan Varyache, Puneri Missal, Bajirao Mastani, Swapnanchya Palikadale, Char Diwas Sasuche, Pyar Ki Ek Kahani, Shuu Fir Koi Hai, and Parichay. Umesh has acted in several Marathi and Hindi films, including Aamhi Satpute, Khabardar, Tin Bayka Fajiti Eka, Jabardast, Bhiru Paiilwan Ki Jay Ho, Sindhutai Sapkal, and Ferrari Ki Sawari....