Manbhavan Singh is an Indian film director who predominantly works in the Punjabi entertainment industry. Born in the small town of Shahzadpur, district Ambala, in Haryana, he did his schooling in Chandigarh. Belonging to a family of intellectuals, Manbhavan’s family wanted him to pursue a career in science, but his inclination towards performing arts lead him to enter a film institute which marked the beginning of his journey as an artist. He did theatre under the guidance of Charan Singh Sindhra for about 6 years because of his jest to know about everything relating to his field of work.
His first project, London to Amritsar, where he worked as an associate director, did not hit the big screens but it served as a steppingstone for his future projects. Owing to the texture and quality of his voice, he was offered a lot of dubbing projects. Having a knack for mimicry, he also performed such gigs. His first major movie as an Associate Director, starring Mika Singh Mika Singh is an actor, singer, stage presenter an >> Read More... , titled Mitti (2010), was released in 2010. His next film project was an Indo-Canadian film, titled little terrors (2014) which proved to be an impactful and memorable experience for him. He also worked as the screenwriter for the Pooja Kiven Aa (2013) which was directed by his wife Neha Singh.
He made his directorial debut with the film Gelo (2016). He is also the director of the 2019 movie, Jaddi Sardar. Next in line of his impressive work projects, was the highly anticipated 2-part movie, Parindey. Having utmost faith and confidence in this project, the original and the sequel both, were shot together. Parindey 2 hit the theatres in 2021, followed by Parindey in 2022.