Saurav Chaudhary, a Nepalese film director, and actor, is popularly known for his debut film "Best Frenz Forever" and his first film, Love Diaries Falling in love is easy. Having a good time with y >> Read More... 2018. Before starting his career, he participated in Mr. Nepal 2014 and won the title of Mr.Sports. Saurav was born in Rajbiraj, Saptari. He completed his schooling at Modern Indian School, Kathmandu, and higher education at Kantipur City College in civil engineering. His mother's and father's names are:- Nila Deo and Prawesh Chaudhary, respectively. His father was a teacher. Though he is an engineer professionally, he says that film-making is his passion. He works in the romantic comedy genre. All of his movies connect with the audience deeply. From a very young age, he has a deep love for cinema. Though he struggled a lot when he was a beginner. However, people of Nepal know him as an evolving director, on this date.