Akash Adhikari, a well-recognized actor, and director in Nepal, born on 5 January 1970, has good recognition in the entertainment industry of Nepal. Born in Nawalparasi in Nepal, Akash did his graduation in Sociology. Akash also completed his graduation in film-making from the Madhumati Institute of Bombay and contributed to modernizing and evolving the entertainment industry of Nepal. His first debut movie was Ranabhoomi in 1998 which was a super hit and won Best Director & Best Movie Awards. Since that time, he has been acting and directing in many movies.
Some of his movies are:- Panchhi(2001), Daag(2001), Krodh(2006), Kathmandu(2011) and Kohinoor(2014). He also received the "Prawal Jana Seva Padak-2019" award from the honorable president of his country. Apart from the entertainment world, he also got involved in social work as a volunteer in many NGOs. Akash supports independent films and loves to travel and explore and is now the founder and CEO of The Sky Movies Pvt Ltd.