Samundar is a Pakistani television serial aired on PTV. The show was directed by Yawar Hayat and Qasim Jalali Bio coming soon... >> Read More... . The series was written by Amjad Islam. The story of the series is about five friends who share a strong bond between them and a common purpose in a business partnership. The happy life they lead is later torn apart by greediness for wealth and various other things that one shouldn't possess. The series conveys the value and importance of a true friendship to its viewers and how to maintain a healthy friendship without allowing unwanted factors to affect its depth.
This series is one of the most popular ones due to its good content and the fabulous performance of the cast. This series is a must-watch for people of any age group, especially for the youth. The name Samandar means 'sea' in Hindi and Urdu language. So, the term friendship is indicated as a sea with various resources; if we use it properly, it can be used for the long term, and if we use it improperly, it will be affected by the other resources.