Qudrat is an Urdu-language television serial aired on 22 January, 2014 by ARY Digital. It has a total of twenty-seven episodes directed by Barkat Siddiqui Barkat Siddiqui is a Pakistani Television director >> Read More... . The star cast members are Ahsan Khan Ahsan Khan is a Pakistani actor born on 9th Octobe >> Read More... as Momin, Sajal Aly as Zehra, Nadeem Baig Nadeem Baig is a Pakistani actor who worked for th >> Read More... as Zulfikar, Moomal Sheikh as Sukaina, Fareeha Jabeen Fareeha Jabeen, also known as Fariha Jabeen, was b >> Read More... as Zubaida, and others.
This drama serial is all about a girl named Zehra who lives with her father and stepmother. She is an innocent girl who has gone through many difficult phases of life, as everyone considered her an unlucky girl. The difficulties increased after the death of her father. The serial shows how she struggled to maintain her place in the society. It also represents a sensitive issue that people always think about their future and make their present restless. They choose the wrong path in the stress of their tomorrow. Overall, this drama has moral values.